Tuesday, June 14, 2011


turtle by considersomething
turtle, a photo by considersomething on Flickr.

making your way in the world today takes everything you got

dreams: Guru Mike taught a class in my parent's dining room. As I tried to move furniture out of the way, everyone agreed it was the best space they'd ever had to work in. Basil led warmup exercises. He had one where you clasped your hands and shook them, and it made you look like you were ballroom dancing, upright with a partner in perfect form, regardless of the fact that you were bent over and twisted.

i had another dream about a video game. blocky pixels. you picked up a baby named Irigijiggi and hopped in a jeep to drive up a mountain. There were a lot of places to go, but my dad tells me that the first thing you gotta do is go catch the meteor before it hits. first thing!

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